
Monday, February 21, 2011

Meet my Cameras - part 1

I have never in my life used real film to make a movie, but it has always been one of those things I wanted try. Call me nostalgic if you want to, but there is something so enchanting about real film. So a couple of years ago I finally gave in to the urge and picked up this little gem at a thrift store. I had seen cameras in the past, but nothing like this. This camera came in the original case and with all the original manuals. It even came with a warranty from J.C. Penny. I just couldn't pass it by.

Then it sat in my closet for a few years.

I'm finally feeling brave enough to give it a try. So now I'm beginning to try to figure out this whole world of film making via my Bell & Howell Super 8mm camera. Stay tuned. I hope it works!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How would you like to be remembered?

Our local paper had an article on StoryCorps and I was reminded of just how awesome they are. The idea is simple enough: create an accessible, ready to go sound booth for anyone to record their story. Free, simple, open to anyone and everyone. The booth was a great idea, but personally, I think their mobile studio is just plain brilliant. What better way to preserve the stories of real people than to bring the studio right to them? It doesn't hurt that they use a sweet airstream trailer to boot.

There is something so simple and pure about hearing someones voice telling their story in their own words. I think that it is essential that we all take the time to get those great stories recorded so that they can survive beyond the life of the storyteller.

Check out StoryCorps.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Found Friday

One of my favorite ways of exploring the past is through postcards. I have a rather large collection of postcards, both old and new, that I love going through from time to time. Also, postcards are kind of the prime example of kitsch, which is a big weakness of mine. With so many mass-produced images of nearly anywhere in the world circulating around, it so easy to see what a certain place used to look like, and how it has evolved over the years. Today I stumbled upon a site that has collected many postcards of time square (talk about kitsch!) and compares how the place has changed over the years. It is very fascinating and worth a look. Times Square via Man Made

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Foraging with Josh

One recent project i've been working on is with my good friend Josh. We started a video series about foraging lands on the margin. It is great to get outside and do some shooting, plus I always learn something. Here is the latest installment, all about foraging for nettles.

For more information, head over to Agrarianista

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hello and welcome to For the Record! My name is Abby and I am a northern California based video producer. Telling stories is my passion - your story. A humble personal historian, videographer, editor, cinefile, and shutterbug at your disposal.

P.S. I am also a mom to the most amazing little boy. :)