
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas gifts

Well, Christmas has come and gone. It's always sad when its over for another whole year, but I always get to the point where I am just ready to move on with my life already. My husband gave me not one, but two different kinds of film for Christmas, so I guess I better busy. More on that later.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Found Friday

John Howell, an Indianapolis newsboy, makes $.75 some days. Begins at 6 a.m., Sundays. (Lives at 215 W. Michigan St.) (LOC)

I flagged this one a while ago but never got around to posting about it. The Library of Congress has a whole set of images called "Photographer in the Picture" where, obviously, the photographer can be seen in the photo. While looking through the set, it was amazing to me that many of these shots were thought of as just mistakes and not given another thought (one even has a hole punched through the center). Looking at these pictures today as historical artifacts, it seems to me that they are actually improved by the little mistakes in the shadows. I love seeing that little glimpse into the world of when this picture was taken, what it was like for the photographer.